Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Welcome to the Wiki Workshop

Wikis are great tools for collaboration and they can be used as course web sites, too. We'll be using WetPaint Wiki for our workshop. I like it because it's free and they'll remove the ads for educational wikis.

I recently used a wiki to capture ideas and suggestions during a workshop on best practices for online and blended learning. The best thing about it was that the content was available online instantly.

Notice the resources on the right side of the screen? Once again, I've provided a copy of the handout we'll be using during the workshop today and a link to a 3 question survey about the workshop that I hope you'll complete. There are some additional wiki resources, too. I highly recommend the site with suggestions for assessing wiki assignments.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Short Video Explaining What a Wiki Is

This short (3:52 minutes) video does a great job of explaining what a wiki is.

Welcome to the Wiki Workshop

Wikis are web sites that are usually created by many people and are inherently collaborative. They're easy to use and free. The content is not hosted on a campus web server which can be good if you have limited server space.

WetPaint Wiki, the one we'll be using, will remove ads from educational wikis.

A wiki can be used for discussions as well as collaborative work. If you want to promote active learning, wikis might be a good way to do it.